Funny thing about those contests I mentioned. How fun that "Home", my paranormal short inspired by
Charles Gramlich and his blog reader's flurry of flash fiction, took second place over the weekend in the Western Pennsylvania Romance Writer's Bump in the Night
See what I mean about pots on the stove?
Find it
here if you missed it, and be sure to check out the other delightfully wicked Halloween flash fiction pieces in Charles' challenge.
Check out this Navy poster from WWII. I'm pretty sure this guy's name is Finn.
Hey, that's very cool! Big Time congrats. I'll announce that on my blog.
Congrats again.
Congrats, L.A., and very well deserved :). That was a terrific story!!
Congratulations :D
A haunting slice of fiction!
grats to you, lam! told you it was a good'un :D
Congratulations. It is a beautiful piece of work, wholly deserving of first prize.
About the bunny, I'm not too keen on handing it over (it's a purse, too, you know), but I will tell you how to make one of your very own.
I am absolutely too proud of you!! Congratulations.
Congrats, L.A. Winning is always wonderful, isn't it?
Did you get any feedback? Or just scores? And, being the bottom line kinda gal that I am, who else will get a read-through on your work with the finish?
Winning is good -- editor reads: priceless.
Thanks, everyone :)
Avery....oooh, a purse. Love that the bunny is functional.
Sandra, I think some kind of feedback is on its way. It's just a feather at this point at only 400 words.
No wonder you won. Congratulations! :-)
Congrats! (Not that we're surprised...)
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